
Showing posts from August, 2019


another day, another story  One day I was travelling through a bus. Bus stopped at the traffic light I just looked around through my window seat. Suddenly my eyes stuck at the bakery shop which is located at the corner of the road. That shop was very fancy and seriously look like a showroom and the decoration of cakes was so amazing that it can watering anybody mouth. At shop’s stair I saw a little boy may be nearby 7 or 8. He wore only pant and his upper body part was cloth less. He looked like he didn’t take bath for very long time. He was just looking at that decorated cake and just by looking at it he was smiling like he was eating that cake. Suddenly shop’s door opened and another boy with his father came out of it. That boy was the same age of another one. He held 5 chocolate in his hand but when he saw that poor boy looking at his chocolate held it in other hand. Maybe he thought that he was gonna steal. But when boy set into his father’s car he looked at that poor


Let me tell you story, this story is not about romance, Action, fiction but it’s about life, our regular life. Anybody can relate themselves to this story. Situation may vary but thoughts remain same. So have a look at the story. Rahul, age 23, young blood which is having desire of changing old authority, desire of doing something different something big. His mind having various type of idea, creative thoughts but today Rahul had fight with his father. Rahul wants to start his own start-up but his father not let him allow to do that. Suddenly in his mind two people sending their own thoughts to Rahul. Where first one having evil, negative and hateful thoughts but the other one having calm, peaceful and practical thoughts. Let’s have a look at both cases and try to understand which thought is better for Rahul. CASE I Hey Rahul, your father really does not understand you. He is far away from the thoughts you have. He did not do anything for your future and really don’t support y